WhatNext? convenes dialogues, roundtables, exploratory seminars, strategy workshops, and public debates with participants across movements, issues, continents and backgrounds.
WhatNext? explores new issues and alternative views on climate, environment and development. Meetings create opportunities for systems thinking and exploration of unconventional ideas.
WhatNext? catalyses ideas and initiatives into action. It helps generate strategies, creates networks and organisations, and provides support to both activists and policy-makers.
New report providing a holistic framework across climate, energy and development, building on the foundations of ‘Another Development’.
The report was authored by a group of independent experts, with WhatNext? involved at the core.
Download the report and find more information at www.justtransitionafrica.org
Encouragingly, people around the world are waking up to the seriousness of the crisis, and the need to address it in transformative, bold ways through real solutions. Proposals highlight the importance of massive public investments, fair subsidies, support for workers under just transitions, outright bans and stringent standards, expansion of public democratic ownership of universal services, rapid phase out of fossil fuels, and curbing of corporate power.
Real zero – Real solutions (2019)More of the same will not do. The aim can no longer be to repeat the economic history of industrialized countries, but rather to seek out roads to another development.
What Now - Another Development (1975)
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) Initiative recognizes that climate change is an existential threat on par with that of nuclear war. It’s also more likely with a fossil fuel industry that further presses the button by their plans to produce 120% more fossil fuels by 2030 than what can possibly be compatible with 1,5 degrees […]
Systems Change and Climate Justice
WhatNext? has been deeply engaged in issues around systems change and climate justice for the last decade, working in close collaboration with numerous individuals, organisations and movements from the Global South and North. A newly set up site – www.systems-change.net – provides an excellent entry point to the key dimensions of climate justice with summaries […]
2014 - 2021
Real zero – real solutions
The climate crisis demands immediate, radical emissions reductions everywhere. Wealthy countries who have polluted the most and have most resources must decrease emissions to close to zero within a decade, while also supporting poor countries to leapfrog to renewable energy zero-emission societies. Real zero means focus on systemic, transformational change now, and rejection of efforts […]
Countering geo-engineering
Geoengineering has come to mean large-scale, intentional human manipulation of climate or Earth systems. This includes ideas of sucking up massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through unproven and risky mega-technologies, as well as the idea of manipulating the atmosphere by adding particle pollution of mirrors in the sky to reflect some of […]
LDC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative for Sustainable Development (LDC REEEI)
The Least Developed Countries Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative for Sustainable Development (LDC REEEI) is an LDC-initiated, LDC-owned and LDC-driven overarching framework to accelerate the harnessing of the renewable energy potential across least developed countries and to promote energy efficiency. Under the mandate of LDC Ministers, the LDC REEEI aims to support LDCs to […]
Africa Renewable Energy Initiative
The Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) was launched at the December 2015 Paris Summit on climate change as an unprecedented continental effort to simultaneously tackle energy access, development and climate change. All 55 African Heads of State through the African Union subscribed to the progressive, people-centered principles and action plan outlining how the continent could […]
Programme for Global Renewable Energy and Energy Access Transformation (GREEAT)
The ideas behind the GREEAT programme came from prior work by WhatNext? on globally funded feed-in tariffs and support for a call for a Global Partnership on renewable energy by the African Group of Negotiators at the UNFCCC. A formative meeting of key stakeholders was held in Delhi in March 2015, co-organised with Centre for […]
Global Renewable Energy Support Program
The Global Renewable Energy Support Programme was formulated by WhatNext? and Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) during 2014, and built on the prior work on globally funded feed-in tariffs by WhatNext? The GRESP report outlines how a global support system to enable all developing countries to quickly move to renewable energy could be constructed.
Antibiotic Resistance Coalition
The Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC) was launched in April 2014 at a meeting held at South Centre with the coming together of civil society organisations across all key dimensions of the issue: health movement, pharmaceutical company watchdogs, consumer movement, environment movement, trade movement, food and agriculture movement, and many others. ARC quickly became the key […]
Quito dialogue seminars on biodiversity financing and financialization
The Quito multi-actor dialogue seminars (March 2012 and April 2014) aimed at clarifying and enhance understanding of the different perspectives surrounding controversies on biodiversity financing. As contested issues such as payments for ecosystem services, biodiversity offsets and ‘innovative financial mechanise’ had nearly crashed the Convention of Biodiversity COP10 negotiations in 2010, the first Quito seminar […]
The crisis of Antibiotic Resistance: Collaboration for innovation
This policy seminar specifically focused on the urgent need to develop new antibiotics was organised by the international network ReAct – Action on Antibiotic Resistance (www.reactgroup.org) on May 23rd, 2011 in Brussels. Niclas Hällström, WhatNext?, helped prepare the multi-stakeholder process, moderated the seminar and drafted and edited the report, and also played a key role in […]
Green Energy Revolution and Global Green New Deal
These efforts highlighted the ideas for globally funded feed-in tariffs and prior work by Niclas Hällström and Tariq Banuri, which was taken forward by Niclas Hällström through his position as lead on international climate policy with the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) in the lead-up to climate summit (COP 15) in Copenhagen. Tariq Banuri […]
The BANG global meeting gathered around 40 civil society organizations and individuals to evaluate trends in the development of new converging structural and technological platforms that could have a profound impact on societies – South and North – over this and coming generations. This meeting, which was held near Montpellier, France November 22-26, 2008, also […]